Under review

BUG: in Unity 2017 materials are black

Max Ocklze fa 7 anys updated by Rafael Gurgel fa 7 anys 5

In unity 2017 all shader forge shaders (even example) look black in albedo view, and therefore they 

are too dark when lit 

Image 846

Image 847

Image 845

Anyone to answer? =(

Under review

Looks like something might be wrong with render platforms. What platform are you targeting?

It's PC. Haven't tried switching to another platforms though. I also think that the problem wasnt there in Unity 5.6

I am also having the same problem

The Errors in Unity 2017 are:

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array Index is out of range

ShaderForge.SF_Node.Deserialize (System.String row, System.Collections.Generic.List´1 linkList)

Incompatible Types: Type A: VTv2 Type B_ VTv1

Null Reference Exception: Object reference not set to an Instance of an object

ShaderForge.SFPSC_Console_DrawExtraTitleContent(Rect r)