Not a bug

Transparent and Additive Forward Rendered Materials Sort Incorrectly

fxville 8 years ago updated by nick benge (cubedparadox) 7 years ago 6

<See Video> We are getting some sorting errors with Additive (and Translucent) materials on meshes or particles in front of any opaque material.

Youtube video

In the video, the left most sphere has the unity default opaque shader, the other three are shaderforge-created shaders. Although not captured here, we are also seeing issues with these shaders sorting behind the skybox.


Not a bug

Glad it worked out! The incorrect version may be because you're not opening the asset store via Unity 5.3

Under review

Strange. Did it happen even before opening the shader in the new SF, or did it happen before too?

What does the blending settings look like?

Is it reproducible in a new project?

Thanks for your reply! This morning I created a new project and was unable to repro the problem in it, so I figure it was project related. This may be a bit extreme, but I uninstalled Unity, and removed all traces of unity including registry entries, and removed shader forge's download data. I performed a clean install of all of them and re-opened the problematic project. Now the problem is no longer occurring! Sad to say that I do not know what caused it, but happy that it is now fixed.

Side note: even after clean install of everything, I noticed that my SF version is 1.25, rather than 1.26, and have tried in vain to aquire the latest version, even after deleting the download data in "..\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x\Joachim Holmr" and re downloading from the asset store.

Not a bug

Glad it worked out! The incorrect version may be because you're not opening the asset store via Unity 5.3


We had the same issue here, and simply creating a new empty ShaderForge shader and copy-pasting in all the nodes from the problematic one and creating new materials from that somehow fixed it :P

I had the same issue, FriendAnd Foe's fix worked perfectly for me. I wonder what causes the bug in the first place..

Just had this issue again, this time I had to much with the tags to get the sorting to work. Here's the settings I ended up with that worked ->

Tags { "IgnoreProjector"="True" "Queue"="Transparent" "RenderType"="Transparent" }

Hopefully this helps someone in the future, cheers