Your comments

I get these errors when making a new shader too, I'm not using Unity Pro, I have two monitors, putting ShaderForge on my second monitor doesn't change anything, nor does docking it.

It's set to PC, Mac & Linux. I don't think the error breaks anything, and I still get it after reimporting the packages.

Ah, it seems I was testing it under Unity 4.0.0f7. If I use the 4.2.0f4 then I only get the 'Trying to read pixel out of bounds' error upon loading any of the example shaders. I no longer get the error when changing shader settings. The call stack contains nothing else for this error.

I'm also running Windows 7 64bit.

I get these errors when loading every example shader, but it still appears to work in the preview. Additionally, whenever I change a shader setting I get the "Shader error in '': Parse error: syntax error at line 1" error every time.