Your comments

Badass! And no worries, it's the one I really wanted :)

(I keep using the UDN method now in my shaders just beacuse it requires less nodes to do :P Time for an upgrade!)
Mostly when mixing two or more textures together to get the mixed RGBA to use again further down the chain. 

For instance, today I did a splat-map shader and I wanted the to multiply each channel of the splatmap with a unique tiled texture to get the resulting RGBA, since the Alpha channel of the tiling textures contained spec values, I wanted it to get the same input multiplication so the spec values could be obtained with the same splatting.

In the same shader I wanted to lerp two color inputs together, and I also wanted the resulting alpha value to affect the shader as well.

I could of course use an extra chain with the same nodes for just the alpha, but since I often want to do more things to the information such as adding it together, multiplying by a value and so on, keeping it in vector 4 makes it simpler and also makes it as few nodes as possible on the board. 

It's not a biggie using an append node, but since the data is an RGBA to begin with it feels a bit weird that I need to first append the data together. :)
Neat :) Saw the duplicate post now as well, sorry - kinda hard to search for :)
I use a lot of information in my alpha channels, so I use this trick too a lot - I must say that having the option to get the full vector4 directly would be nice :)
Actually. Adding a tiny "?" Icon in the UI that displays the hotkeys wouldn't be a bad idea either. Kinda like the torchlight 2 help button. :)
Ah. Of course. :) Now I feel a bit silly for missing that, but I do think text would be great to have on your page as well :)