Your comments

And there is more things I have noticed: Point lights and Spot light shadows are working on forward, this so strange for me.... You have implemented this feature or its like a bug i have in my project that always use deferred with SF shaders? whats worng with all im doing....
Will be fixed soon? Or is a hard code fix?
And for PSVita, when using vertex colors as colors, must be named "color" and not "vertexColor".
I have found something,

When I disable Lightmap support it works perfectly, I can connect RGB to Specular and Alpha to Gloss and there is no crash.
Can it be a bug?
It does not Work. Here it is the image:

With forward there is no problems, its only in deferred. Maybe a problem with unity 4.5?
The error is still that:

Shader error in 'Shader Forge/IBL+TessTest': undeclared identifier 'node_150' at line 216

And the other error im getting:
Serialization depth limit exceeded at 'ShaderForge::SF_PreviewSettings'. There may be an object composition cycle in one or more of your serialized classes.
UnityEditor.WindowLayout:LoadWindowLayout(String, Boolean)
Its doing exatly the same, with the same error:

Well now, the line of the error is 578.
When i use a color node there is no problem.
The mesh is a plane from unity default meshes. Here it is the node setup: