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Workaround for this issue is using the latest Post Processing stack version (which leaves user set flags intact) and change the "Set" method in the with shader forge included EnableCameraDepthInForward.cs to: 

DepthTextureMode dtm = GetComponent<Camera>().depthTextureMode;

        if ((dtm & DepthTextureMode.Depth) != DepthTextureMode.Depth)
GetComponent<Camera>().depthTextureMode = dtm | DepthTextureMode.Depth;

This sets the plain basic unencoded depthTexture to be rendered as well.

great! thanks, hope it gets released soon so I can stop alt-tabbing to create shaders :)

Maybe add just a made up cost indicator like multiply is 1, texture lookup is 2, if/step is 5, etc and the score is represented by color or a small indicator. And at the last output node there's an indicator with just the sum of those numbers. We can all figure out ourselves what it means for the hardware we run on, it's just an indication how to optimize. We don't need an exact instruction count as it will always be relative and differ by unity implementation, different platforms and future hardware.