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I can, yes.... well not quite.

Activating it does keep the visible pass from twitching about, but it seems to have no effect on the shadowcaster pass regardless of toggle.

After hours or research into this, I can confidently say that this is a problem with dynamic batching and not shaderforge.

Now if I could just find a way to disable dynamic batching on the shadowcaster, I'd be in business.

Interesting. Toggling Receive Shadows removes the twitching. (But the shadows are still wrong)

More on this issue:

You can see here the shadow caster(?) moving in a desynced manner from the visible pass.

When the angle of view changes, the visible pass appears to twitch between the shadow caster location and the actual location.

Using Unity 5.22 here.

I believe this is what my problem is. We use vertex offset to handle a lot of swaying materials, like grass or leaves.

The problem is that the depth buffer for these objects don't seem to line up with the offset, visible material. In some cases, the visible material will flicker between the offset and non-offset version.

You can see here a simple offset opaque material that the test Ambient Occlusion is not following the material, though the shadow caster is.

Further, here's an example that the AO is moving completely offset from the visible material.

This has been hindering my project for months now, if there is a lead I can follow, I would be quite happy to pursue it. Thank you.