
ShaderForge recreation of Standard Shader Gloss Response

George Allan 9 лет назад обновлен Demian Ford 3 года назад 11

For some reason I'm having trouble recreating the gloss/smoothness response of the Standard Shader. I'm trying to recreate it as a base for further shaders. The gloss response gives a really tight tail in SF as it gets higher until there's almost no falloff. Could this be related to SF not having GGX?



This should now be fixed in 1.27

I did some more tests. By switching the project to PC (from Android) and enabling Deffered instead of Forward I can get the SF gloss to match. There's another thread on here asking for GGX in Forward from 8 months ago saying it will be implemented in the next release. Is this still the case? Is that what is causing the issue for me? I did some research and it looks like Unity implemented GGX as the default in 5.3 so it'd be good to have the option to match. I tried forcing GGX to off ( #define UNITY_BRDF_GGX 0) inside UnityStandardConfig.cginc but couldn't replicate the effects caused by the SF gloss response. I may be totally wrong but it appears that GGX 0 should force normalized blinn phong - is that what SF is using atm?

На рассмотрении

This is a known issue, and yes, most likely it's the GGX that is missing. Not sure when this will be fixed I'm afraid! After GDC at the very earliest


also having trouble with this issue. hope you get a chance to look into it :)

Hello, to ask people like me how to change in order to achieve smooth control effect unity inside the smoothness of standard material shader


This should now be fixed in 1.27


Maaaan I have ended up on this forum like 6 times in the last 2 years. its not quite fixing what I need. 

I am looking to make a mirror of the standard shader, and like George is saying use that as a base to add other features. 

My problem.

I want the shader to be set to metallic/roughness, easy enough. I use substance painter and hit the export for unity. this packs my metallic/roughness into one texture for the standard shader. but then when I plug in the r and g channel into there respective slots in SF the result I get is totally off.

any ideas why?

The specific reason i am doing this is. I would like to have the shader act just like the standard one but ignore environment lighting. maybe there is a better way to do this per object but still I would like a mirror of the standard shader just to add things to it.

Great. Looking forward to the fix when 1.27 releases

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