
Is it possible to recreate my low detail HSL? example: http://i.imgur.com/fi4983E.png

IzzySoft 11 year бұрын updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 year бұрын 5


I'll mark this as declined, as this is something you'll most likely want to pre-compute and bake to a texture
This has been discussed a bit before. Working in HSL seems a bit too expensive for shaders to use in a sensible way - usually these effects are *much* better off just sampled from a huestrip texture. What did you intend using it for?
Ohhh.. Look..

i know.. i used allot of sliders to guess the gradients, but i got it very close :D
I wanted to create a Color picker.. like this one:     Simple Pallet
Oh, well, you should probably just use a pre-generated texture for that :)
I'll mark this as declined, as this is something you'll most likely want to pre-compute and bake to a texture
hehe.. you're right. ;)
i just wanted to see if it can be done. I had it working in UDK. :)