Not a bug

Texures are black on android but works in unity editor.

Sine Anima 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Fatih Barut 2 jaar geleden 6
I made a simple Bumped Specular shader in shader forge, it´s just three texture2d and they are connected to their respective channel, diffuse, specular and normal. In the unity editor it works perfectly but when I run it on android all textures are just black.

Any Idea on how to fix this?


Not a bug
I see! I'll keep it in mind if anyone else get the same issue :)
Under review
Did you enable GLES in the shader settings?
Yes I have, all three of them...still not working.
It could be that the shader is too expensive, at least if you're using PBR. Are you getting any errors on build?
I found the problem...I needed to select a "Emission GI" option...and that possibility showed up the second time I selected the object, not right away after assigning the material.
Not a bug
I see! I'll keep it in mind if anyone else get the same issue :)

Auto graphics API solves the problem.