
fix now

vincent 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 jaar geleden 3

The standard Unity materials have an automatic normal map detection. And when there is a texture connected in the normal map slot which hasn't been set to  texture type normal map there is a fix now button to correct this. If shader forge had the same functionality it would be nice for the lazy artist ;p

As soon you you start adding automatic smart detection like that, people will rely on it. The issue is that there is no 100% certain way of making sure textures going into the normal slot are definitely to be used as a normal map, especially not when doing dynamic / real-time construction of normals. Not sure about this really!

In that case I'm fine with it either way :) still thumbs up for the editor by the way!! Really like it!!

Thanks! Really glad you do! I'm closing this topic now anyhow, I'm leaning towards not implementing it :)

Thanks for the feedback anyhow!