Under review

Texture preview in nodes are broken.

jesse 12 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 years ago 8

After creating a shader, creating nodes, saving, closing Unity, opening Unity, loading previous shader.

The texture thumbnails break for me.Image 27


Under review

I'm pretty sure this is some RT related issue in Unity free, I'll look into it!

Odd - Which Unity version, SF version and OS are you running?

Unity 4.2.0f4


windows 7 64bit

I'm unable to reproduce this with the exact same specs, apart from the fact that, I presume, you're using Unity free?

yes, Unity free

I think this has something to do with RTs. If you create a new node, or connect stuff to the broken texture nodes, do they fix themselves up?

I tried deleting the connections and reconnecting them and they're still messed up.

I also made a new node (node_11) and when I drag and drop a texture or select one, it shows me a screenshot of the editor window with the texture in the upper left as shown below. (The texture is not supposed to be green like that either)

I close ShaderForge and reopen it and this is what it looks like now.

The nodes only worked the proper way the first time I ran ShaderForge.

I'm going to try deleting and re-importing ShaderForge next.

closed Unity, deleted, restarted Unity, re-imported.

Still doing the same thing.

I'm using some old videocards too to make things more complicated.

ATI Radeon HD 4800

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470

3 Monitors and I'm running Unity on my secondary monitor (Crossover 27Q running @2560x1440 60hz)


I'm pretty sure this is some RT related issue in Unity free, I'll look into it!

Under review

I'm pretty sure this is some RT related issue in Unity free, I'll look into it!

This was a long time ago now, could you get the latest version and see if the problem is still there? :)