RGB to HSV output nodes all output from Hue
If you connect the Sat and Val outputs from the (RGB to HSV) node, then close and re-open the shader, you'll see that it actually has connected everything to the Hue output. Screenshots:
Before saving and closing:
After saving and re-opening:
Sidenote: thanks for the stencil buffer support. :)
Before saving and closing:
After saving and re-opening:
Sidenote: thanks for the stencil buffer support. :)
Any progress on this? Still happens in 1.20. You can't use the RGB to HSV outputs because of this. :)
Ah, sorry, forgot to fix this one. It's now fixed in the coming 1.21
Was having the same issue and it looks like its still a bug in 1.21. (Before and after screen shots below)
Does it happen in a brand new shader too, or only in the old ones?
Happens with a new shader in a project that is empty except for shader forge for me... here's a video:
Thanks for the quick turnaround as usual! Hope you don't mind the callout in my game's credits:
Cool, the game is Invisigun Heroes (steam greenlit). It's a local/online multiplayer arena where everyone's invisible - so you have to watch for environmental cues to tell where people are (including yourself). Here's the temporary game one-pager, though I need to add some gifs showing the combat soon:
Customer support service by UserEcho
This has now been fixed in 1.22 :)