
"Swizzle Mask Element not present" Error

robert briscoe hace 11 años actualizado por Freya Holmér (Developer) hace 11 años 2

Keep getting errors with this shader for some reason, it keep complaining about a missing "swizzle mask element":

Image 95

Here's a link to the shader: http://pastebin.com/dvfk2hEG



I'm pretty sure this is the same issue as this now: http://shaderforge.userecho.com/topic/315967-alpha-014-panner-node-sometimes-disconnects-and-break-shaders/

I'll close this thread and let the other one be open :)

Thanks for the report!


I think there's a mixup in shader errors here, THIS is the error im getting for this shader:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ShaderForge.SF_Node.GetInputData (System.String id)

ShaderForge.SFN_Panner.IsUniformOutput ()

ShaderForge.SF_NodePreview.Combine ()

ShaderForge.SF_Node.RefreshValue (Int32 ia, Int32 ib)

ShaderForge.SFN_Panner.OnUpdateNode (NodeUpdateType updType, Boolean cascade)

ShaderForge.SF_NodeConnection.Disconnect (Boolean force, Boolean callback)

ShaderForge.SF_NodeConnection.LinkTo (ShaderForge.SF_NodeConnection other, LinkingMethod linkMethod)

ShaderForge.SF_EditorNodeView.ReconnectConnectedPending ()

ShaderForge.SF_Parser.LoadFromNodeData (System.String data)

ShaderForge.SF_Parser.ParseNodeDataFromShader (ShaderForge.SF_Editor editor, UnityEngine.Shader s)

ShaderForge.SF_Editor.InitializeInstance (UnityEngine.Shader initShader)

ShaderForge.SF_Editor.Init (UnityEngine.Shader initShader)

UnityEditor.ShaderForgeInspector.OnInspectorGUI ()

UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditors (Boolean isRepaintEvent, UnityEditor.Editor[] editors, Boolean eyeDropperDirty) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/Editor/Mono/Inspector/InspectorWindow.cs:850)


It refuses to update and compile the material in the editor

I'm pretty sure this is the same issue as this now: http://shaderforge.userecho.com/topic/315967-alpha-014-panner-node-sometimes-disconnects-and-break-shaders/

I'll close this thread and let the other one be open :)

Thanks for the report!