Under review

Equivalent UDK Operators

Wilson Junior 11 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 years ago 3
I would like to know if there is a list of shaderforge operators and their equivalent in UDK. I can't find some of the UDK operators in shaderforge.
Under review
Give me a list of UDK nodes you can't find in SF, and I may set up a wiki page on it :)
I want to do a shader like this one:

And the operators that I didn´t found are these:
screen position (not work blue channel)
Param Scale x
Param Scale y
Reflection vector

Param in UDK is the same as SFs Properties (The green nodes)
In this case, they are float properties.

UDK's Reflection vector = SF's view reflection vector, transformed to tangent space from world space

UDK has most of its vectors in tangent space, which means you may run into issues using vector nodes. SF has them all in world space.

As for the screen position, I'm guessing you can use one of the depth nodes instead of the B channel of screen pos