
Combine two textures

Jairo Baldán 11 year бұрын updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 year бұрын 3
Hi, i want to combine two textures, for example i want to add that eye iris into the eye normal, both have alpha and in shaderforge it shows black, but in unity too!
So i don't know how to do it (Thanks in advance):
Image 136
I think you first need to figure out how you want to combine them.
The RGB outputs of the textures doesn't have the transparency data, so without using those in some way, they won't deal with any transparency.

I presume you want a photoshop layer-like blending, in which case you can simply use a lerp node instead, and connect one of their alphas to the T input :)
Ahh i'm going to try it, thanks Joachim ^^!
It works perfect i will leave it here