À l'étude

noise_motion Problem

chris barker il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Freya Holmér (Developer) il y a 11 ans 4
Hi There,

I'm trying to get X&Y motion into my noise graph, but when I want to make the connection, the preview goes black, and nothing animates. I've stripped the shader back to just bare bones noise node + independent animating U & V, and the same problem occurs. Interestingly, when I set either the U motion or the V motion to 0, then we get some animation, albeit with a different/unexpected (much darker) look.

I was wondering if you might be able to shed some light on this - is my process wrong, or is it a bug?

Image 189
I think this might have something to do with the random values going too high, due to the time node. How does it look if you add a frac node right after the time?
It works - with the insertion of frac, but, of course there is the irritating and unusable "reset" that occurs.   Interestingly, the current network works for a couple of seconds on very low values of u&v after opening sf, but after it has been open a while, then it reverts to the behavior that I described above.  So - you're right about t.  It does seem, however, that smooth scrolling noise across the two axes becomes much more difficult in this setup.  Is there a way to get a Time.deltaTime equivalent?
There is, but it isn't exposed in SF at the moment.

How about if you put a sin node after time, or use a more continuous wave instead of a frac (sawtooth) wave?

Thanks for the links - (and BTW, thanks so much for the incredible amount of work and commitment you are making with shader forge!)  My issue with easing or interpolation is that it will always bring the scrolling back to 0-1, whereas my understanding of a scroll depends on numbers continually climbing beyond 1.