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Unity 4 is downloading wrong version of ShaderForge (1.06)

George Allan 10 år siden opdateret af Freya Holmér (Developer) 9 år siden 3
I found the lightmapping error listed here and posted a week ago but (perhaps since it was marked as fixed it's no longer being read) and haven't received a reply. Basically the version of SF downloading via the Asset Store is broken when making lightmap enabled shaders. Please fix!



Ikke en bug
Hey! 1.06 is the latest version for the 4.x cycle, and as I mentioned in the other thread, it's no longer supported. You'll need to use Unity 5 to keep getting updates to fix issues like this
Ikke en bug
Hey! 1.06 is the latest version for the 4.x cycle, and as I mentioned in the other thread, it's no longer supported. You'll need to use Unity 5 to keep getting updates to fix issues like this
Our team cannot simply switch to Unity 5 over 2 years into development (it's not an option at this stage). I bought SF for this project but am I right in assuming it is broken in U4 and you're simply not going to fix it? You mentioned 1.06 is the latest version for U4 - are you inferring there's a non broken earlier version (with lightmaps working) ?
It is somewhat buggy in the 4.x version, yes, and unfortunately I'm not updating the 4.x version anymore.
The lightmapping system shouldn't be completely broken though, if I remember correctly, it was in a few cases it didn't work.

That said, as the other person mentioned in their thread, they managed to temporarily fix it by adding:

half4 unity_LightmapST;
sampler2D unity_Lightmap;

To the code after each edit in Shader Forge. You should try that as well!

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