
Shuriken's Color over Lifetime working with Particle Meshes AlphaBlended/Additive?

Julian Allescher 10 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 9 years ago 2
Hello Joachim,
first: I really love Shaderforge.

second: I don't know if it's a bug or if I'm just not educated enough with shaders and Unity's shuriken particle systems.
I like to spawn particle meshes in "Mesh"-render mode. Those have been assigned a Shaderforge-material that contains alpha.
So I tried both "Alpha Blended" and "Additive" blending, but shuriken's "Color over Lifetime" won't affect the particle at all.

Only works with Unity's Standard "Particle-AlphaBlended"-Shader.

Is this possible somehow?

Image 426

Image 427


Shuriken colors particles using vertex colors, so you simply need to add a vertex color node to your shader, and multiply it wherever you want it :)
Shuriken colors particles using vertex colors, so you simply need to add a vertex color node to your shader, and multiply it wherever you want it :)