Under review

ShaderForge navigation could be more similar to the standard Unity navigation.

Laurens t Jong 11 year бұрын updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 year бұрын 10
As I am working in Unity I tend to navigate my scenes, animation editor and other editors by using: alt-, left mouse, right mouse and middle mouse button and centering selections by hitting F. Also selecting elements by using ctrl-click and shift click and clicking while dragging to select or deselect multiple nodes at once.

Since a lot of artists use wacom tablets for navigating and working in 3D packages the "scrolling button" as the only option for a zoom out function is also not ideal because this scroll button is lacking on a tablet pen, thus the alt- mouse combination becomes even more relevant.
I've planned to implement a more Unity-like navigation soon! Right now, box selection and camera panning control schemes are reversed, compared to the Unity controls.

Which control scheme for zooming would work better though?
Dont know if that helps but i guess common navigation in 3d programms is alt+LMB for Panning, alt+MMB for Zooming, alt+RMB for rotating(which of course is not needed in SF), this is also the way i use my wacom with 3d programs.

I can completely understand Laurens wish, i hope though that wont collide with my wish for better one handed usage. Maybe there is a way to make most people happy, or well, even more happy ;)
Same here, all our artists use Wacom which has a layout best suited for the "alt+ ..." functions listed above
Thank you for picking this up Joachim!

Unity and Maya use:

- alt - LeftMouse for Rotating
- alt - MiddleMouse for Panning
- alt - RightMouse for Zooming

Like "BecomingAt" stated rotating would be useless. So I would suggest alt-middleMouse for panning and alt-rightMouse for zooming. Ofcourse in addition mouse scrolling would also be zooming in and out too, unless it feels more intuitive to use the scroll button to actually scroll up and downwards, like unity does right now in the "animator window" except that in the animator window you can not zoom in and out.. (which is a shame actually).

Thanks for the list and research on this :)
I'll see if I can get this into a near version
Also I would like to be able to use the new shortcuts while using a wacom (that doesn't have a scroll).
Beta 0.35 now has a setting where you can switch the hotkey/quickpicker mode from scroll to cursor position :)
It would be nice if you could hold down shift (or any other key) + "press your shortcut key" to step between the options as well. when will beta 0.35 be out? (when it's ready!?!)
Not sure when it's ready, might take a while. At least two weeks, I'll be busy most of next week