Under review

Turn of Shadows while using an alpha

twoc46 11 ár síðan updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 ár síðan 4
I want to make a glass material but in order to do that I need a Refraction and Speculer unfortunetly this causes the material to cast shadows. I'm using an Alpha Blended Mode Is there a way to turn off shadows or am I just being bumb.Image 130
You can turn off shadows per-object in the inspector view, or does that not work in this case?
Okay, I was dumb. I forgot that Shader Forge doesn't support Differed Lighting (Still getting used to Unity after UDK). I just need to rethink my approach, sorry for my naivety.
Alright! Closing this then :)
To avoid opening a new thread I'm facing the same problem. Finding Unity's materials lacking I set up a glass shader with refraction and reflection (my original reason for purchase actually!). Baked lighting works correctly when the shader is configured correctly, but realtime shadows do not.

I could disable shadows on the object, but that would prevent the cross in the window (a separate material in the geometry) from casting shadows too. I don't expect partial alpha shadows like in baked lighting, I'd just like the material to be ignored entirely. Is this possible?
Hm, good point. There should be a way of disabling shadows per-shader rather than only having it per-object. Feel free to open a topic on the matter!