
Quickly take screenshot of entire node grid at appropriate resolution

dylanvail 11 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 years ago 4
You click a button, it takes a screenshot of your entire node grid at a readable resolution and saves it to your desktop. You could even auto-add a logo watermark in the bottom corner.
It seems with these kinds of editors screenshots are the main way shaders are discussed and shared, this would be a slick and useful feature that wouldn't be hard to implement and would help spread Shader Forge around the internet.


This was implemented in Beta 0.21 :)
This would indeed be very useful. I will prioritize this for tomorrow
From my memory I recall reading somewhere that this feature has already been implemented. But I cannot find any documented hotkeys or a button in 0.19 that enables me to take a snapshot of my node tree. That would be extremely helpful for sharing graphs with the community. :)
Oh, it hasn't been implemented yet (I'm not sure where you saw that it was)
Must have been false memory then. Maybe I dreamt about it.
I hope your dream will come true soon!
This was implemented in Beta 0.21 :)