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Yes I did, shader forge doesn't have support for multi shaders, so do this:

1. Shader Forge - PBR: Create your normal material.

2. Shader Forge - Unlit: Create your silhoutte material

3. Code:

Shader "Your Name" {

Properties {

// Each properties of the both shaders PBR & Unlit


SubShader {

// Shader Unlit

Pass {}

// Shader PBR

Pass {}


FallBack "Diffuse"


Great, this is useful to mantain the texel density in the scenes

if you try to move the uvs from the inspector, you can't, the tiilling it's not connect it. 

Oh, I like the way you think, it's like I need a tool to increase the pipeline production!!!... Ok I will go to create it!!!

I just want to tell you somethin, you are doing and INCREDIBLE work, really I love your shader editor, it's super fancy!!

Just the links between the nodes, if you want to delete a node it's correct do it as actually with Delete Key.

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