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As far as I know, there's not really a straightforward solution to this. (Also, I'll close this as it isn't a bug in SF)

You can't currently use fresnel in the refraction node


Should be three settings:

You may be starting the wrong versions, or that it reads the wrong one. It really shouldn't though

It should be impossible to import SF 1.24 into Unity 5.0, as you need 5.2 in order to run 1.24 :) Try re-downloading SF and you should get the latest compatible version.

mul() is the matrix multiply node, so it should work! Could you try it out?

In that case I'll likely disappoint!

Unity already has decals on their roadmap, which is why I've chosen not to continue that research.

It's a VR game for the HTC Vive :)

Thanks :)

Sorry for the delays! SF isn't the only project I'm working on at the moment, and this coming week happens to be nearing a semi-announcement / milestone / deadline of the other project here at Neat Corp.

There are a few bugs I've prioritized, but feature-wise this is the next thing I'll look at. It will, however, likely not be until after the 18:th of November due to another deadline. I can see if I can find time to do it before that, but I wouldn't rely on it!

"concatenating the relevant strings" is not as easy as it sounds, emphasis on relevant :)

Each node has their own shader at the moment, the code node is the only node where I can't predict what it will do beforehand, so it needs to pre-compile.