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Not really, it's rather complicated! (Which is why it isn't a node yet)
Not yet! Right now I'm too busy with preparing for GDC I'm afraid, and after that I need to do Unity 5 specific implementations in SF, among a bunch of other things. It'll take time I'm afraid
I don't think it has anything to do with the amount of objects, it's probably depending on where it's located relative to the screen. In any case, this is more of a question for the forums, try asking there :)
That's because dithering is on, look under the blending settings
It seems fine. What about it isn't working?
Pretty much, along with any modifications you might want to do with them. They're specifically made so that box projection and the built-in sky/probe blending will work.
Multiply RGB by the alpha channel * 8, and I think you'll get proper HDR unpacking. Though I'm not sure