Your comments

This is a silly issue, but should be fixable. Looking into it :)

I think this is related to the Component Mask / Append deserialization issue. Will see if solving that will resolve this. I can't find any issues with the Vertex Color node itself

Edit: This should be fixed in alpha 0.08 now!

This is already be possible, no? It's just a regular texture, but it has a gradient instead :) The difference is that UDK automatically converts the Vector1 input to Vector2 (Which, SF will do later as well)

This is already be possible, no? It's just a regular texture, but it has a gradient instead :) The difference is that UDK automatically converts the Vector1 input to Vector2 (Which, SF will do later as well)

Silly logic on my end in the 0.07 update :) Will look at this right now

Edit: Seems fixed in 0.08 now :)