Your comments

I don't think I'll have a checkbox for that, but I could make it auto-highlight all the outputs when selecting an input, and vice versa.

And no, the old relay node is still there, in addition to the new Set/Get nodes :)

I wrote a guide for you, which should answer all the questions you outlined :)

If not, let me know!

Oh wait, I was thinking of vertex offset, sorry. Not sure if outlines will have support for this anytime soon

You can probably do this manually. Offset them in the negated direction of the view vector based on whatever data you want to base them on

This is likely due to batching, which you can disable in the shader settings :)

Fun fact: They work the same way as all other nodes, but their links are simply hidden and connected by the setting instead of linked by the user :)

This may have been fixed in 1.25, let me know if it isn't by then!

They're now called simply Get and Set