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Looks like a bug then. Strange though, haven't had any issues with it before!
And it's set to normalize rather than interpolate in the settings?
Could you take a screenshot of your node tree?

(Click the camera icon that appears when hovering the 3D preview)
This is done using post-FX, not on the shaders themselves :)


I recommend enabling HDR in your game, and setting the bloom threshold to 1
This is now implemented in Beta 0.24!
I'm pretty sure that won't work regardless, like Aras replied in that post
This is most likely too heavy to do on a shader level; you would be *much* better off using their Text Meshes, or similar.
I'm pretty sure that won't work regardless, like Aras replied in that post. I can try it later though
Color over lifetime and transparency is controlled with the particle system using vertex colors. Hook up vertex colors to your particle shader :)

Vertex color RGB multiplied by the diffuse, and Vertex color A multiplied by the alpha texture, and then into the alpha input of the main node.

Unless there's another way I don't know about?
Looks like a dependency issue! It's my bad. I will have to look at it tomorrow!

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