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Vector 4 and Float (Value) Paramerers are now both implemented in alpha 0.13 :)

I would like it to be that way, but currently it's hardcoded. It's not that high of a priority, but I'll look into it :)

Has also been requested here: http://shaderforge.userecho.com/topic/260418-moving-the-sf-folder-into-standard-assets/

This is because refraction only allows Vector2 inputs, which should be clarified more, but it's not exactly a bug :)

Refraction is a Vector2 value, which is an offset in screen space. First off, you need Transparency/Alpha in order to see refraction. Connect a value like 0.5 for started into Alpha, and make sure your shader blend setting is alpha blended.

After that, create an append node, and append the R and G channels from the normal map, and connect it to the Refraction input, and you should be set!

You *should* be able to connect a Vector 1 as well, like you tried. I'll make sure it typecasts in alpha 0.13 :)

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