Your comments

Hello! I would like to ask if there's any update on this.
Just a small change: Maybe it would make more sense for Distance to be split in half around the edge, not being distance for each side of the edge.
So given the example above it would start lerping from 0.35 to 0.45.
Oh cool! Sorry, I was searching under "multiple shaders" and "conditional compilation". 

Hmm, I thought that compile-time switch would make it the easiest to implement with existing system - for each shader variant it would essentially act like a relay node with other inputs acting like they're not even connected, so it wouldn't be that big of a change for the shader generating bits. Then again I don't know how is ShaderForge exactly written, anyway looking forward to this! :) 
Oh, sorry, I didn't see that one since I was looking for expression evaluator. What I had in mind myself were really simple expressions (for example that you type in something like "min(x*2, y+0.5)" and it does just that, but I guess that's already planned with the custom nodes?).
I definitely want this too, I think HSV manipulation will give some nice effects. Maybe make the H value repeat, as if it was rotation (so if it's 1.1 or 5.1, it'll be same as 0.1) when converting back to RGB. Maybe allow saturation to go over 1.0 during calculations and then just clamp01 it when converting back?