Under review

Tessellation with the new "Keep quads" option.

Rubén Garcia 10 років тому оновлений 10 років тому 2
Can you make the tessellation node compatible with the new "keep quads" option that Unity 5 have?
This way we can have more controll and better tessellation results.


Under review
That's an import setting on the mesh, so, it should already be supported, no?
Under review
That's an import setting on the mesh, so, it should already be supported, no?
I did my tests and its not working correctly.
I think that you have to modify something in the code to enable quad tesselllation cause with the default tessellation you are using a factor from 3 vertex points (triangle).
If you test it with a quad mesh imported with the "keep quads" import option enabled, you will see that the tessellation factor is only using half of the quad (triangle):

Maybe im doing something worng, Can you test it?