Your comments

Why not let the user set the comment font size?
Make sure you're using the Value parameter and not the internal one!
Ah yes you're totally right on that! Noted!
EDIT: Bugger! Ignore this - my dynamic light had a culling mask set on it which I was unaware of - works now!

I do have one request though - can we manually set the light count? I really only need to support 1-2 dynamic lights on my surfaces and i'm guessing less lights=less instructions?
It refuses to update and compile the material in the editor


I think there's a mixup in shader errors here, THIS is the error im getting for this shader:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ShaderForge.SF_Node.GetInputData (System.String id)

ShaderForge.SFN_Panner.IsUniformOutput ()

ShaderForge.SF_NodePreview.Combine ()

ShaderForge.SF_Node.RefreshValue (Int32 ia, Int32 ib)

ShaderForge.SFN_Panner.OnUpdateNode (NodeUpdateType updType, Boolean cascade)

ShaderForge.SF_NodeConnection.Disconnect (Boolean force, Boolean callback)

ShaderForge.SF_NodeConnection.LinkTo (ShaderForge.SF_NodeConnection other, LinkingMethod linkMethod)

ShaderForge.SF_EditorNodeView.ReconnectConnectedPending ()

ShaderForge.SF_Parser.LoadFromNodeData (System.String data)

ShaderForge.SF_Parser.ParseNodeDataFromShader (ShaderForge.SF_Editor editor, UnityEngine.Shader s)

ShaderForge.SF_Editor.InitializeInstance (UnityEngine.Shader initShader)

ShaderForge.SF_Editor.Init (UnityEngine.Shader initShader)

UnityEditor.ShaderForgeInspector.OnInspectorGUI ()

UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditors (Boolean isRepaintEvent, UnityEditor.Editor[] editors, Boolean eyeDropperDirty) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/Editor/Mono/Inspector/InspectorWindow.cs:850)


Quick Question: Is the refract shader also interpolated per-vertex? because i'm getting a lot of the similar issues with refraction also:

I agree a generalised system is hard to do, especially when you have custom blend modes available.

Perhaps when it comes to custom blend modes, specifying a custom fog colour could be an option? so for example, for a modulated x2 blend mode I could specify a fog colour of 127,127,127, or for multiplicative, 255,255,255 etc?

There are similar issues with refractive shaders also

It looks like it's not blending additive materials with fog properly