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So I synced my project to another computer (Window 7 machine this time) with the asset server and I can't use SF.  Half the time it won't compile the shader and the rest of the time the UI crashes completely when I open the Shader Settings tab.  Oh, and the preview of the shader is just no longer there, which I suspect is why the shader is not compiling.

I'm going to remove and reinstall the plugin, but I was working with this pipeline without any issues prior to 0.16.

Here's what my UI looks like after I click on the Shader Settings tab.
ok, that seemed to do the trick. But I had to restart after install.  SF opened but ran extremely poorly.  Restarting fixed it.
i did not remove the old version. i did what i usually do which is just import the new version.
OSX mavericks
latest unity version

Fantastic!  speaking of which, are there plans to expose the panner node values?

So I was not able to repro the bug anymore, but I did find another issue, that I suspect is actually the cause of this bug - 

As you can see, after loading up SF to modify a shader, you can see there's a disconnection in the nodes.  This happens for many of my nodes.  They seem to work, then I open them to modify and need to fix them.

I think this may have been my problem.  If that's happening, then I can definitely see it causing issues if a shader has a dependency and that dependency is disconnected.

give me a chance to rebuild. I deleted the shader.  I'll try to repro the problem but it happened to me three times in row so it should be easy.

and on a side-note if I close it and reopen it, sometimes some of the connections are not connected.

ok great! my bad.  I feel like I remember other engines doing this by default, but now that I think about it, that doesn't make sense.