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To avoid opening a new thread I'm facing the same problem. Finding Unity's materials lacking I set up a glass shader with refraction and reflection (my original reason for purchase actually!). Baked lighting works correctly when the shader is configured correctly, but realtime shadows do not.

I could disable shadows on the object, but that would prevent the cross in the window (a separate material in the geometry) from casting shadows too. I don't expect partial alpha shadows like in baked lighting, I'd just like the material to be ignored entirely. Is this possible?
I still seem to be having this problem. With sliders at least. They don't seem to store a default value like the default Unity materials do, when recreating the glossiness slider. Sliders aren't exactly precise anyway, but it would be nice.
It looks like I've found a reproducible version of this bug. Using the alpha channel of a map marked Normal Map causes a Vert program error even in a clean install.
Weirdly, I can't seem to reproduce this. I started a new Shader and used all the same components but it is working as expected. I don't have a lot of time to test right now, but I'll try it again when I do and let you know if I figure out how to reproduce it. Thanks for checking it out anyway!
For some reason having a Texture 2D connected to the Specular input on Main fixed this, but only sometimes.