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11 years ago
Yes, it works in RGB too!
Desaturation is very easy. Just plug in a 0-1 slider into the Des input of a desaturate node, and whichever texture / color you want to desaturate into Col
Desaturation is very easy. Just plug in a 0-1 slider into the Des input of a desaturate node, and whichever texture / color you want to desaturate into Col
Connect a slider to this for a desaturation slider:
If you want to control contrast, you can do that using the remap range node:
If you want to control contrast, you can do that using the remap range node:
It's not just the blend node - when specular is white, your diffuse term will go black, simply because a white spec means it's fully reflective
This should now have been fixed in 0.31, which is now released too :)
(I have to sleep soon, these hotfixes are taking my time)
(I have to sleep soon, these hotfixes are taking my time)
There was a nasty bug in 0.29 which caused it to save property nodes even after deleting them, which causes all these issues when loading existing shaders. I can't seem to be able to reproduce the duplication error though, but I'm sure it's related to the copy/paste issues (Create some nodes, copy, paste, delete, copy something else, paste, to see the effect)
This has been fixed in 0.31 anyhow, I'll roll out 0.31 in a few minutes
This has been fixed in 0.31 anyhow, I'll roll out 0.31 in a few minutes
This has now been fixed in Beta 0.30
0.29 is out now, anyhow, so, yeah, go nuts! Make mistakes and then undo!
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