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Looks like we also get a magenta error shader if we use the vertex offset field with anything from a code node that has a Texture Asset / sampler2D as an input. Tried sampler2D and vectors as output.

This simple network works:

This one hangs shader forge if I connect that green Out to the Tex input.  Just trying to pass a sampler2D in and out.

If I don't have sampler2D as the output it won't hang shader forge, however we get broken magenta shader.

Currently it's color texture math. I bring in 3 texture2d and one UV and I output a float 4 to dx11 offset. 
 All the math is pretty basic, just a lot easier in code.  So yes I'm going into a dx11 hook. 
dx11 tessellation just has a user value going in. 
I'm not asking for DX11 on a mac, I'm asking for a shader to not try and use dx11 on the mac. i want it to fall back to vertex offset.
You have to make the parameters with shader forge for it to fill in. 
Just wanted to say I have this issue too. I just passed 120 nodes on a shader it it takes a LONG time to open.
I did the same thing as Baris, I used the Code from Unity's water c# script that feeds the texture to the shader. It creates the camera reflection matrix.
Tested this and it works great. You can get post of the code you need in the Unity Pro Standard Asset Water Shader Script that came with Unity. You just pass the reflection in as a Texture. The script makes the camera, renders it, and sets the texture right into Shader Forge.
Same problem here as Robert. Distance and postion don't work correctly on particles.
Couldn't you use a render texture with a 2nd camera that has an inverted matrix in c#? Then use that texture as your reflection. Like unity's water shaders.